Category: Equine

5 Most Common Money Mistakes (Ep. 3)

5 Most Common Money Mistakes (Ep. 3)

Financial success is not only about making good money, it is also about managing it.

Oftentimes you will find yourself in situations where you will need to make decisions that could either positively or negatively affect your wealth.

Join Billy and Shaun for an all-new episode of Harnessing Your Wealth where they talk about the 5 common mistakes people make when it comes to managing their money. 

Listen and take note as Billy and Shaun discuss: 

  • Tips on how to not let your emotions guide your investment decisions
  • Why bear markets are an opportunity for investors
  • The importance of participating in company-sponsored retirement plans 
  • Why diversification is key to building a strong portfolio
  • And more

Connect with Billy Peterson:

Connect with Shaun Peterson:

Meet Shaun and Cade Peterson (Ep. 2)

Meet Shaun and Cade Peterson (Ep. 2)

In episode one, we learned about Billy Peterson, president of Peterson Wealth Services. And now, we meet Shaun and Cade, two financial advisors who not only share the same name as Billy, but also the same drive and passion.

Listen as Shaun and Cade explain the process they use to build relationships with clients, how they envision growing their business within the equine industry, and how Billy helped them launch their careers.

Shaun and Cade discuss: 

  • How their interest in investing and finances was apparent in childhood
  • The different types of meetings they use when onboarding a new client
  • What it’s like working with equine enthusiasts and why they enjoy it
  • And more!


Connect with Shaun Peterson:

Connect with Cade Peterson: 

Introducing Harnessing Your Wealth: Meet Host Billy Peterson (Ep. 1)

Introducing Harnessing Your Wealth: Meet Host Billy Peterson (Ep. 1)

Welcome to the first episode of Harnessing Your Wealth with Billy Peterson!

In this inaugural episode, you’ll get to know Billy as he unveils his history as one of the best horse riders in the country, how he was introduced to the financial industry, and how his experiences have helped shape the way Peterson Wealth Services conducts business.

Listen as Billy discusses: 

  • How at the age of fourteen, he was considered an investing expert
  • Why he became a jockey, and the sacrifices he made to succeed
  • An overview of Peterson Wealth Services, including how their process focuses on building trust and relationships
  • The importance of failure, and how learning from tough experiences helps you grow
  • And more!

Connect with Billy Peterson: