Tag: Positive Thinking

From the Saddle to Success: Billy Peterson’s Journey with ‘From the Starting Gate’ (Ep. 36)

From the Saddle to Success: Billy Peterson’s Journey with ‘From the Starting Gate’ (Ep. 36)

“Life can be like riding a racehorse.”

This is the first line in Billy Peterson’s new book, “From the Starting Gate: The Winning Strategies for Wealth, Health, and Happiness.” 

Get an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look into Billy’s extraordinary journey as an author, former jockey, financial advisor, and business owner, with Shaun Peterson taking the reins as host. Together, they delve into the compelling reasons behind Billy’s decision to write his second book, the passion and perseverance it took to share his personal stories and inspirational history, and the profound gratitude he holds for the wisdom imparted by a cherished former client.

Highlights from this episode include:

  • The journey and challenges Billy faced while writing and publishing his second book
  • His three pillars for a successful life: wealth, health, and happiness 
  • The influence of a positive mindset has on your health and well-being
  • Advice for aspiring authors including the writing process and publishing 
  • And more!


Connect with Billy Peterson:

Connect with Shaun Peterson:

The Mind-Body Connection with Heather Peterson of Pain Free For Good (Ep. 15)

The Mind-Body Connection with Heather Peterson of Pain Free For Good (Ep. 15)

Nowadays, we tend to prioritize our daily tasks over our own well-being, and we need to remember what kind of consequences this could have on our health.

How strong is the connection between our mental and physical health?

Let’s analyze the link between them.

In this episode, Billy, Shaun, and Cade Peterson sit down with Heather Peterson, founder of Pain Free For Good. Heather shares her personal journey and how her husband, Billy’s chronic back pain set her on the path of entrepreneurship and better health. 

Join the Petersons as they discuss: 

  • Heather’s background and why she launched Pain Free For Good
  • How Dr. John Sarno’s book, “Healing Back Pain,” was a turning point for her and Billy
  • The mind-body connection and why doctors often fail to recognize it
  • How emotional stressors can manifest physically
  • Real-life success stories focusing on abundance instead of lack
  • And more!


Connect with Billy Peterson:

Connect with Shaun Peterson:

Connect with Cade Peterson: 

Connect with Heather Peterson: 

About Our Guest: 

Heather Peterson, owner and founder of Pain Free For Good, began her search for the truth in 2010 while desperately trying to find the answers to help her husband recover from chronic pain. While on her search for answers, she also healed herself and has continued to help countless others trying to cross the river of pain. As a Mindbody Healer and Coach, she is passionate about helping women discover the truth in order to overcome physical and emotional pain.